Monday, October 28, 2013

day twentyseven & twentyeight: pray BIG all the time.

I love that this is a thing now.  Go search it on Pinterest and spend 10 minutes laughing.  I just did.  You're welcome for the free laugh.

But seriously, how many times a day do I hear this or say this out loud or just to myself?  Too many.  It's so easy for my day to just happen to me instead of being intentional with how I spend my hours and minutes and seconds.  And one of the easiest things to say "ain't nobody got time for that" about is prayer.

I have loved working with college students the last nine years.  Seriously, it's been such a joy.  And I don't know if this is a stretch or not, but I feel like I can say this with a decent amount of confidence, but I'm pretty sure every single girl I ever talked to would say at some point "I'm just so busy, I don't have time for that."  And girls, if you're reading, you know that I love you, but a lot of times they would say this after describing to me how they woke up at 9, went to class, had lunch with some people and took a nap while watching re-runs of Dawson's Creek.

Now I love me some Dawson's Creek and I LOVE a nap, but no, sweet girls, you do have time.

In fact, we all have time.  24 hours a day, in fact.  Every single one of us gets the same number of seconds in a day.  And we all get to choose what we want to do with our time.  One thing I know is that at the end of my life, I want people to have known that I chose Jesus by choosing to make prayer a major part of my days.

1 Thessalonians 5:16 says "Pray continually." In the craziness of my life right now, I'm learning how to do this.  In the 30 seconds when I'm microwaving my cold coffee.  While I'm washing my hands on the miraculous trip to the bathroom by myself.  For the people who have sent me emails I'm responding to.  Thanking Jesus for His provision while I pay our bills.  For patience and wisdom when I reach the end of my rope with parenting. While we sing along to Praise Baby in the car.

We do have time for things.  It's just a matter of what we choose.  These days, I'm shooting to make praying BIG happen in my life by praying all the time.  And KFC.  :)

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