Friday, October 4, 2013

day four: wrestling in prayer & being defiant in prayer.

I just spent I don't even know how long trying to figure out how I could summarize the greatness that is the two part sermon series JD Greear at the Summit Church did called "Press Through: Prayer" a while back.

And no matter how hard I tried I just can't do it justice, y'all.  They are so full with wisdom that is kicking my butt in the best way right now.  So today I'm just linking you to these two sermons.

I KNOW you're thinking "Ain't nobody got time for that." And you're right, this will take a chunk of time out of your life.  But a.) it's so worth it. b.) you can get creative with it.  I made a deal with Brett that I would mow the lawn if he would watch the girls.  And for 45 glorious minutes I push that lawn mower and get all sweaty and itchy while I listen to a sermon and it's almost as good as vacation.  No lie.

And if you're still having a hard time trying to decide if you can make it happen, let me wet your appetite with one of my favorite snip its from the series:

"Prayer is the most undervalued resource in our lives and our families and our church. The Bible teaches us that all the blessings that God wants to bestow on us, He does so through prayer. Prayer is the conduit by which His power comes into your family; it's the way you lay hold of the promises and blessings of God." 

Praying BIG is laying hold of the promises of God and CLAIMING THEM.

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