Saturday, November 2, 2013

day thirtyone: blah & an epilogue

Day 31 was 3 days ago and that may be the best way to help you know how I'm praying these days.  Dragging.  Blah.  Tired.  But clinging, desperate, and hopeful.

And BIG, nonetheless.

In my Bible study last week we studied Matthew 6 which included where Jesus taught His disciples how to pray with the Lord's prayer.  And so as a group, we were reflecting on what we learned from those verses and one girl in the group (whose name is Brett, interestingly--it always throws me off when someone says her name because I suddenly think my Brett is in the room.  :)  But I digress...) said something that was just a side comment but was huge for me.

We were talking about how Jesus is talking about prayer being authentic--not for show--just being honest before the Lord.  And that's when Brett said this: (See, you thought I was talking about my Brett didn't you?  It's tricky.  :))

"Even when you're having a blah kind of day, you can just blah right in front of Him."  

 And even though praying "blah" doesn't initially seem like praying BIG, it really really is.  Because being whatever you are with Him--whether it's blah or thrilled about life or in pain--is what Jesus says to be.  "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father... And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard for their many words.  Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him." (Matthew 6:6-8)

Oh friends, these thirtyone days have been such a blessing to me.  My prayer as I straggle across this finish line of praying BIG for thirtyone days is that Jesus met me and whoever He led to this little corner of the internet where we are.  And that our relationship with Him got deeper roots and a renewed passion through sweet conviction and encouragement.

I love y'all.  This has been fun!

That being said, I've decided to kind of keep this going in a different way and am going to join along with Ann Voskamp by counting 1000 Gifts throughout November.  Here's to 30 days of thankfulness!

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