Monday, September 30, 2013

thirty one days of praying BIG.

Once upon a time, I blogged.  And it was super fun. But then I stopped because I realized something.  I like people a lot and I would rather spend my time with people than doing just about anything else. Including blogging.  So I took an indefinite hiatus.

But then today a friend, Meredith, who I've hung out with approximately 1.5 times in life but who is still a soul friend in Jesus & Instagram (yes, that's a for real friend category), shared a challenge. 31 Days of writing on one topic. 

At which point my heart exploded.  Yes. Yes. Yes.  I've been praying for this and thinking about this and here is a place to finally delve into it deeper.  31 days to write on one topic?  Game on, lets go.

So for the month of October I'm going to celebrate my biggest little girl's third birthday, snuggle a lot with my littlest little girl, eat excessive amounts of pumpkin baked goods, take as many naps as I can make happen, savor the fall weather all while contemplating what Jesus has had on my heart lately:


You can come along, too, if you'd like.  That's why I'm doing it on a blog and not in a pretty journal that I've been eyeing at Target for months.  

Come, Lord Jesus, COME.